Monday, December 28, 2009

Patience is a virtue

So, I'm officially in the two-week wait (aka 2WW). Of all the months we've been trying, this is the first month where I really feel ... almost excited. I'm afraid to allow myself to feel too excited, actually, for fear of disappointment. But the numbers indicate our odds improved something like three-fold, so success is a real possibility this time. Part of me is glad we didn't know how bad the odds were previous times. Another part of me is frustrated we wasted extra months before going the next step.

Now to just keep my crazy at bay. Last night, I thought a bath might help me relax, but I was so afraid of the hot water roasting a (maybe) burgeoning bean that I propped my body up the entire time so my belly was not under water. Think: crab walk. Yeah, not at all relaxing.

Note to self: Next bath, don't fill the tub with so much water.

Also note to self: Stop Googling "early pregnancy symptoms." Every day that passes, I keep waiting to feel something ... different. Do my boobs hurt today? Do I taste metal? Could that cramp mean implantation?

Patience, girl. Patience.

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